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St Brandon Atoll

Fishing Adventures

Fly Fishing and Fishing Charters to St Brandon Atoll. Charter a yacht and go Fly fishing for trophy sized Bonefish, Indo Pacific Permit and Giant Trevally in the Indian Ocean.


Saint Brandon atoll consists of over 50 small islands,  open sand flats, reefs, shallow lagoons and coral atolls where Bonefish, Indo Pacific Permit, Giant Trevally, and Bluefin Trevally, are numerous.

For fly fishing, Saint Brandon is a true Bonefish mecca with white sand flats and beaches, perfect for big schools of Bonefish to sneak up on and feed on crabs, shrimps and other crustaceans.

Due to the shallow and clear water fish are easy to spot and if you miss a shot you can rest assured there is more to come. Unlike many other Bonefish destinations where bottoms are normally soft and muddy, Saint Brandon consists of firm sand and reef flats, perfect for wading.

GT and Bluefin
Several species of Trevallies also frequently visit the shallow flats and reef sections offering a chance to properly test your gear. Anglers will have opportunity to catch GT and Bluefin during a normal week. If if a trophy size GT is what you are looking for then this is definitely the place to go as the average size of GT’s landed here is big.

IndoPacific Permit is also prevalent in the area and they show themselves on the flats regularly, providing a true challenge for anyone trying to tease them into a bite.

Other Species

Other species you are almost certain to encounter along the endless reef sections when popping or spinning are Dogtooth Tuna, Coral trout, various snappers, Bluefin Trevally, and more.


Lobsters, Snorkelling, Swimming, SUPS's and more 
If you want to take a break from fishing we suggest trying lobster hunting in the shallow water on the reef. Returning with a bucket full of lobsters for dinner is an easy way to become the most popular person on the boat.


We also have snorkelling gear and SUPS on board to enjoy!

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Fishihng Techniques

Fly Fishing

Fly fishing for Bonefish and Permit requires a 7, 8, or 9 weight single hand fly rod. Pick one that you feel comfortable casting and partner it with a premium saltwater reel that matches the rod. If you consider giving the Saint Brandon GT’s a shot then bring a 12 weight single hand rod rigged with a premium reel made for saltwater fishing, loaded with a tropical GT line and at least 300 yards of backing.


Popping and Spinning

Popping and spinning in these waters requires serious equipment that can handle the brute force of big Giant Trevallies. Make sure you bring rods and reels that are built specifically for this type of fishing. 

For guests that prefer to travel light or are trying this type of fishing for the first and don’t want to invest in all the gear required we have
both fly tackle and popping gear available for rent.

Specific recommendations are provided in the pre-trip information sent upon booking your trip.

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